| 1. | An exception was his successful confrontation of a prize court in 1814.
| 2. | The prize court at Barbados condemned " M�nag�re " on 17 November.
| 3. | The privateers appealed to the prize court in Paris, which upheld the release.
| 4. | The Admiralty Prize Court, however, refused to condemn it as a lawful prize.
| 5. | The ship was released by a German prize court in September.
| 6. | The ship was sent to the Philadelphia Prize court for adjudication.
| 7. | The International Prize Court was to hear appeals from national courts concerning prize cases.
| 8. | Anderson's later cases in the Prize Court include:
| 9. | She captured both vessels and sent them into port to be adjudicated by a prize court.
| 10. | A prize court established in Alexandria in 1949 authorized the seizure of cargo ships destined for Israel.